I have served as the instructor of record for fourteen different courses at Notre Dame, Bowdoin, Duke, the University of Houston, and UNC Chapel Hill. These courses range from introductory lectures to advanced seminars, and include graduate and undergraduate courses. Below are syllabi for them.
You can find unedited student evaluations for the courses below here.
University of Houston
Intro to Political Theory. Syllabus
Duke University
Left, Right, and Center. Syllabus
Intro to Political Theory. Syllabus
American Values, Institutions, and Culture. Syllabus
Athens and Jerusalem: Speech in Politics. Syllabus
Bowdoin College
Fundamental Exercises in Political Theory (Introductory Seminar). Syllabus.
Classical Political Philosophy. Syllabus.
Comparative Political Philosophy: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval World. Syllabus.
American Political Thought. Syllabus.
Human Being and Citizen. Syllabus.
Liberalism and Its Critics. Syllabus.
Modern Political Thought. Syllabus.
The Idea of Rome: from Cicero to Shakespeare. Syllabus.
Notre Dame
Hobbes and Spinoza (co-instructor of record with Michael Zuckert).